
2021 Diversity at Work Award Champions To Be Announced on 5 April

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BBLF will reveal winners of the new category in the Annual Responsible Business Awards at an official ceremony At a ceremony on 5 April 2022 in Sofia the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum (BBLF) will announce winners of 19th edition of its Annual Responsible Business Awards – the most long-standing and prominent national competition for corporate social responsibility and sustainable development mottoed Lead by Example. At the event, all entries will be showcased, and their summaries will later get published on BBLF’s online CSR platform. This year saw the launch of a new category, Diversity at Work, part of BBLF’s efforts to promote equality and social inclusion in workplaces. A total of 9 companies entered their D&I programmes competing for the prominent recognition. These include Bulgarian Diversity Charter signatories HPE, BGAssist, Cargill Bulgaria and BAT. Other competitors include IBM Bulgaria, Paysafe, Transpress, Nestle Bulgaria, and Musala Soft. A huge thank you to them all for being our diversity category pioneers! Your D&I campaigns and best practice will inspire and motivate your peers to recognize the benefits of diverse teams and inclusive workplaces. Champions in the seven categories are selected by an independent and balanced panel of judges featuring respected experts from the public sector, NGOs, academia, business and the media. Assessment criteria are as follows: specific benefits to the community; work in partnership with other stakeholders; employee involvement; consistency; innovation and public recognition. Finalists and winners in all categories will be announced at a formal award-giving ceremony to be held as long as the COVID-19 situation is eased, possibly in April 2021. At the event, all entries will be showcased, and their summaries will later get published on BBLF’s online CSR platform. For updates please follow our web page and social media with #bblfawards2021.