
AI Startup Boosts Workplace Diversity At Nike, Walmart, Adidas

Algorithm automatically finds job opportunities for minority “silver medalists”

Thousands of people from under-represented minorities are finding work, thanks to an automated artificial intelligence system.

Technology developed by Joonko, an Israeli startup, scans the database of job applicants at American Express, Nike, Walmart,, Adidas, Paypal and many other global enterprises.

It identifies the “silver medalists” from minority groups – those who came close to landing a job but didn’t quite make it – and finds them similar vacancies to apply for at other companies.

Since 2021, it has helped 250 applicants find jobs every month in the US.

“We basically help companies source under-represented minorities through an automated solution,” says Ilit Raz, Founder and CEO of Joonko.

Read more at: the NoCamels website