The event will see a formal ceremony where new Charter signatories members will receive their official membership certificates.
Bulgarian Diversity Charter will soon hold the long-awaited Annual Meeting of Charter signatories, companies and organisations that have signed the Charter and have thus joined the community of employers that give equal chance to every staff member and talent.
The high-profile event doubles as a formal ceremony where new members will receive their official membership certificates in the presence of senior public sector officials and top executives of peer members.
The Bulgarian Diversity Charter Annual Meeting will take place on Friday, 12 May, starting 10:00 a.m. at Grand Ball Room, Hilton Sofia.
The event will gather public sector officials, businesses and civil organisations to confirm their commitment to preventing discrimination and unequal treatment and to building a work environment where everyone is respected and appreciated regardless of their individual differences on any ground such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property ownership, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation.
The Diversity Charter community’s annual get-together aims at encouraging and promoting corporate D&I strategies and policies for building diverse teams and inclusive workplaces. The networking cocktail that will follow the formal part will provide an outstanding platform for exchange of contacts, ideas and best practice.
The Bulgarian Diversity Charter’s event will also mark EU Diversity Month 2023, a celebration of equality, acceptance and inclusion in workplaces and the society across EU member states during the month of May.
Attendees include Charter signatories old and new, BBLF member companies, and public sector institutions such as the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the Committee for Protection Against Discrimination and the Ombudsman.

The Bulgarian Diversity Charter is a joint initiative of the Centre for the Study of Democracy (CSD) and the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum (BBLF) aimed to promote diversity management at the workplace. The Diversity Charter encourages companies to set up and implement policies on diversity management, prevention of discrimination and equal treatment.
Today the Bulgarian Charter brings together over 50 signatories, mostly private companies but also civil society organisations, and their more than 5,000 employees. By signing the Charter an organisation commits to promote equal opportunities in the workplace. As a party to the Charter, the organisation gets access to a wide network of contacts, publications and tools for monitoring, assessment and targeting policies.
EU Diversity Month
Since 2021, every year in May, the Charter and its member companies and organisations celebrate together the EU Diversity Month to promote the values of equality and inclusion in the workplace and to contribute to a fair society and a tolerant social environment.
Join EU Diversity Month 2023:
- get inspired by the ideas selected in the Diversity Guide
- have a look at activities planned across the EU
- put your company’s events on the map of the EU Diversity Month 2023’ map here.

*The event is co-funded by the European Union.