The new Strategy confirms a renewed commitment to ensure that the Charter is applied to its full potential. As of next year, the Commission will present an annual report, which will look into how the Member States apply the Charter in a selected thematic area.
Věra Jourová, Vice-President for Values and Transparency, underlined, “This year marks 20 years since the Charter – the European bill of rights – was first proclaimed. It is the embodiment of the values of our Union. The Charter has the same legal value as the Treaties. I want people to know who and where to turn to if their rights are breached.”
Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders said, “Recently, new fundamental rights challenges have emerged; the Coronavirus pandemic and its related restrictions are a telling example. The developments we have seen in society call for a renewed commitment to ensure that the Charter is applied to its full by the EU and its Member States. More than ever, we must put the Charter at the centre of our work and ensure people can effectively access their fundamental rights.”
Read more at: the EC website