The Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum are pleased to announce that due to high demand they have extended the deadline for the 2024 ANNUAL RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS AWARDS, the most high-profile national competition for companies that give back! Please submit your entries by 31 January 2025.
The Awards are open to all companies regardless of industry and size, and they can nominate themselves or be nominated by their NGO partners. The mission of BBLF as organiser for 22 years now has been one and the same: encourage best ESG practice and promote corporate excellence and social impact.
Please consider entering the dedicated Diversity at Work category to share your successful DEI social good campaigns, celebrate the effort and achievements of your team, get recognized by the independent jury and boost your employer status!
All entries will be presented at the prize-giving ceremony in March and on the Archive of the Awards, a valuable resource for DEI ideas and good practice in this country!
What is more, Diversity at Work winners ranked first, second and third will be invited to the official launch of EU Diversity Month in late April in Brussels.
Do check out the terms and other details of the online application process on BBLF’s web page.