Use the self assessment tools developed by the European Commission and Diversity Charters to measure your organisation’s level of advancement in DEI policies, to explore where it currently stands in comparison to other companies in the EU countries and to find inspiration for improvement.
European Diversity Barometer
The European Diversity Barometer stands as the first diversity observatory to unite signatories of all diversity charters across the European Union. Through a common questionnaire, members can compare their DEI progress with peers across Europe, gaining inspiration, knowledge, and motivation to push forward on their diversity journey.
The signatories of Bulgarian Diversity Charter receive regular emails in every three years to fill out the complete the questionnaire. All the responses are then analyzed and uploaded on the Barometar’s platform which also contains valuable resources.
Read more here.
Find more information at the European Diversity Barometer website.
EU Diversity Self-Assessment Tool
The Diversity Self-Assessment Tool evaluates your organisation’s effectiveness in handling diversity and its commitment to creating an inclusive environment that values employee differences. It tests your organisation’s diversity management and the extent to which adaptable work arrangements have been integrated to meet the needs of your diverse staff and enhance their contributions.
Use our Diversity Self-Assessment Tool to determine your standing: Diversity Champion, Pioneer, Explorer, or Beginner. This tool is suitable for employers in both public and private sectors, irrespective of their size. Results are confidential and provide an approximate indication. The assessment lasts 20-30 minutes, and you’ll receive your results via email.
Fill out the Diversity Self-Assessment Tool here
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This website was funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).
The content of this website represents the views of the authors only and is their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.