Diversity awards
Diversity awards
Since 2020, the Diversity at Work award is being granted to companies in Bulgaria that demonstrate significant achievements in the field of diversity, inclusion and equity in the workplace. The champions are announced every year at the Annual Responsible Business Awards organised by the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum.
About the award
The prestigious Diversity at Work Award was introduced as part of the Annual Responsible Business Awards in 2021 to recognize best practices in creating diverse teams and inclusive working environments. As one of the organisations managing the Diversity Charter in Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum (BBLF) seeks to promote corporate strategies and initiatives to foster diverse teams, equal opportunity and inclusion.
The winners are determined by an independent and objective jury of representatives from relevant institutions and members of the Charter Advisory Board.
Diversity at Work champions
The winners of the prestigious Diversity at Work Awards were announced at a prominent ceremony on 19 March 2024. Fifteen companies applied with their DEI programmes to the Annual Responsible Business Awards, the 21st edition of the prestigious national competition for corporate social responsibility, sustainable development and diversity, organised by the BBLF.
The golden winner was Yettel Bulgaria! IBM Bulgaria ranked second and Paysafe Bulgaria took the third place.
Twelve companies competed with their programmes in the latest category of the Annual Responsible Business Awards 2022, the anniversary edition of the prestigious national competition for corporate social responsibility, sustainability and diversity, which BBLF held for the 20th time in a row.
Lidl Bulgaria won the prominent first prize, HPE Bulgaria ranked second and Shell Bulgaria took the third position. Congratulations!
Nine companies entered their diversity and inclusion programmes competing in this newly established category of the Annual Responsible Business Awards, the most prominent national competition for corporate social responsibility and sustainability.
HPE Global Delivery Centre Bulgaria ranked first, IBM Bulgaria ranked second, and BGAssist got the bronze!
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This website was funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).
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