
Diversity As a Business Advantage: Sharing best corporate practice

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The event aims to highlight companies’ efforts in promoting diversity and diverse teams in the workplace, and the benefits of creating inclusive working environments.

The event is organised by Diversity Charter Bulgaria* and is part of EU Diversity Month 2021. Join us in celebrating diversity and inclusion in our workplaces and in the society at large!

Participants: BBLF member companies, Bulgarian Diversity Charter existing and potential signatories, public, private, NGO sector representatives with an interest in equality and diversity.

Date and time11 May 2021, 11 a.m., online

Sponsorship: To avail of the unique national and EU-level visibility for your brand please review the sponsorship options.

Registration: The event is free of charge. Please email to confirm your attendance and we will send you a link (please note the event capacity is limited).  

Details are coming soon!
