
EU Diversity Self-Assessment Tool

How well does your organisation manage diversity?

Diversity is good for staff and for business. Staff feel welcome and valued and companies become more inclusive and can tap into a wider talent pool and boost innovation. However, measuring diversity and the impact of diversity management is often challenging for companies and organisations. 

Are you actively creating a welcoming environment for all your employees and respecting their differences? Do you promote workplace diversity in recruitment and career progression? Have you put flexible working arrangements in place to meet needs that are specific to the diversity of your staff and enable them to contribute fully and to the best of their ability? And generally, how well does your organisation manage diversity? 

The European Commission developed the Diversity Self-Assessment Tool to help you find out. Take this opportunity to kick off the EU Diversity Month 2024 by measuring where your organisation currently stands, if you are a Diversity Champion, Pioneer, Explorer or Beginner.

The Bulgarian Diversity Charter invites its signatories to use the EU Diversity Self-Assessment Tool and begin to explore how you might make further progress on this journey. The tool is for employers in the public and private sectors and for organisations big and small. The assessment involves a standardised questionnaire of 21 questions and takes 20-30 minutes. Before you use the Tool check any existing diversity or related workplace policies so that you can give an accurate picture of the steps you have already taken. The results of the tool are indicative only and all information is confidential

For more information, check the EU Diversity Month 2024 website