
Българската Харта на многообразието завърши успешно обучителната програма за приобщаваща комуникация NICE

На специално събитие, проведено на 11 декември 2024г., в присъствие на участници, членове на Хартата, партньори по проекта и официални лица българската Харта на многообразието отбеляза успешното завършване на първата си обучителна и менторска програма за приобщаваща комуникация. Тя се проведе в рамките на проекта NICE – инициатива за насърчаване на многообразието и равенството на работното място на Хартите на многообразието в Кипър, Гърция, Литва, България и Румъния.

В срещата взеха участие участниците от 16-те компании, преминали пилотното обучение, фирми и организации, които членуват в Хартата на многообразието, международния екип на NICE и официални лица. Събитието се проведе с подкрепата на златния партньор Лидл България и сребърния партньор Шел България. 

Prominent speakers included Rumyana Petkova, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Prof. Dr. Ana Dzhumalieva, Chairperson of the Commission for Protection against Discrimination, Dimitar Markov, Director of the Law Programme at the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD), and Levon Hampartzoumian, Chairperson of the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum (BBLF).

Kamelia Slaveykova, member of the BBLF Board, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Shell Bulgaria, and member of the Advisory Board of the Bulgarian Diversity Charter, moderated the event. In her opening remarks, she highlighted the critical role businesses play in fostering inclusive and equitable work environments that drive innovation, enhance productivity, and unlock employees’ full potential. “The Diversity Charter unites companies that recognise diversity as a source of strength and a foundation for long-term success, collaborating across sectors to foster a better social climate,” she stated.

Мария Стоянова, анализатор в ЦИД и проектен мениджър на Хартата, представи етапите на пътешествието NICE, което продължи общо две години (презентация). „В допълнение към задълбочените проучвания, дискусиите с експерти, разработването на обучителните материали и самото обучение това, което остава най-важно за нас е, че изградихме общност от NICE съмишленици“, подчерта тя.

The event featured presentations from representatives of Diversity Charters across participating countries, including Stavros Milionis (Greece), Eleni Ploutarchou (Cyprus), Aiste Brazdžiūnaitė (Lithuania), Dana Oancea (Romania), and Ani Ivanova (Bulgaria). They provided insights into the programme’s implementation and achievements. In the subsequent panel discussion, Valeria Doycheva, Head of Lidl Bulgaria’s Diversity and Inclusion Programme Lidl Paletter, and Iva Monova, Human Resources Advisor at Shell Bulgaria, shared their organisations’ best practices and experiences in fostering inclusive communication.

Програмата NICE attracted participants from diverse professional domains, including human resources, corporate social responsibility, sustainability, communications, and DEI management. Its final phase featured customised practical training consisting of three training sessions and a month-long mentoring scheme aimed at enhancing participants’ competencies in inclusive communication within their workplaces.

Representatives from the 16 companies that successfully completed the NICE training programme received official certificates affirming their commitment to and expertise in inclusive communication. Congratulations were extended to Alorica, Vivacom, Ecotoy Service, Inditex, Catro Bulgaria, Lidl Bulgaria, National Electric Company, Ruepoint, Sanex, Sensata Technologies Bulgaria, SoftServe, the Faculty of Economics at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, BCause Foundation, Holding KCM 2000, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and Shell Bulgaria.

Благодарим на всички участници, фасилитатори и заинтересовани страни, които допринесоха за успеха на програмата, с общия стремеж това колективно пътуване към насърчаване на приобщаващи работни места да продължи.

The programme will be promoted in January 2025 at the next meeting of the European Platform of Diversity Charters so as to be implemented by other European charters.

Stay tuned to the Diversity Charter website and social media channels for upcoming initiatives and programmes to support diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Програма NICE: The Neutral and Inclusive Communication in Corporate Environments (NICE) programme is a collaborative initiative of the Diversity Charters of Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, and Romania. Its objective is to promote inclusive and tolerant workplaces through innovative training and capacity-building programmes. The project is co-funded by the European Union’s Citizens, Equality, Rights, and Values (CERV) programme.

Харта на многообразието в България: Jointly led by the Center for the Study of Democracy and the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum, the Bulgarian Diversity Charter aims to advance diversity management in Bulgaria. The Charter encourages organisations to adopt policies for diversity management, anti-discrimination, and equal treatment. As part of the European network of Diversity Charters across the 27 EU member states, its members benefit from shared resources, discussions, and best practices. Since its establishment in 2020 with 12 founding companies, the Bulgarian Diversity Charter has grown to include over 100 signatories.