Different together
October 20th 2017
Guidelines and practices for the management of “diverse” employees and the creation of an inclusive company culture

The development of a diverse and inclusive working environment is not a novel topic, especially in the developed Western societies. In Bulgaria, however, more serious attention to D&I has been paid just in the past several years, primarily by big international companies. The topic is crucial and the reasoning for that is demographic and cultural – the ageing population, the influx of refugees, the deficit of qualified employees, the growing focus on gender equality, etc., but also purely business-related – a number of international studies and practices bring forward the fact that diverse teams with people of different cultural and religious background, sexual orientation, physical capabilities and ages are much more motivated, productive and ultimately, successful. Rightfully so – when the employees feel accepted for who they are not just in their personal lives, but also at the workplace, they tend to be much more dedicated to their job and company, and are willing to give their best. This is why we sought the opinions of several HR experts and NGO representatives, as well as operational examples in the field which are already being applied in Bulgaria and could give food for thought to the managers interested in the topic or the ones who now learn about it.
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