The Bulgarian Diversity Charter took part in the European Platform of Diversity Charters Meeting co-organised by the European Commission and the Diversity Charter in Italy. The event was held on 13 – 14 November in Milan and brought together the representatives of 26 Diversity Charters from European countries, as well as a diverse group of experts from the public and private sectors.
Opening event – November 13, 2023
On the first day, Fondazione Sodalitas hosted the Platform at a conference dedicated to amplifying the pivotal role of businesses in constructing a society free from prejudice and rich in inclusivity. Prominent figures from government, industry, and academia participated as speakers. The Director of the Equal Opportunity Department of the Italian Government emphasized the importance of promoting gender equality in the workplace and discussed the gender certification launched by the Italian Government last year. In addition, the Dean of Diversity, Inclusion, and Sustainability at Bocconi University presented the academic perspective of the shared commitment to foster growth and development based on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Helena Dalli, Commissioner for Equality in the European Commission addressed the audience in a video statement.
The day unfolded with a series of workshops, delving into the implementation of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices in Italian companies. Participants engaged in a discussion focused on Neurodiversity in the workplace, following a presentation of the Erasmus+ project Neurodiversity at work, implemented in Bulgaria and other countries.
Photos: Fondazione Sodalitas
Diversity Charters Meeting - November 14, 2023
The second day was marked by collaborative activities involving representatives from Diversity Charters in EU Member States. Hosted by the European Commission Representation Office in Milan, the meeting facilitated the exchange of valuable experiences and good practices related to managing Diversity Charters at both the national and EU levels. Discussions centered around strategies to boost the number and engagement of signatories, optimal services and solutions for maximum benefits to signatories, and effective communication of D&I goals and initiatives to reach broader audiences. During the meeting were presented the current achievement of the NICE (Neutral and Inclusive Communication in Corporate Environments) initiative, implemented by the Diversity Charters in Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Romania and Lithuania.
Photos: Fondazione Sodalitas
This meeting was organised by the EU Platform of Diversity Charters. Established in 2010 under the initiative of the European Commission, the EU Platform of Diversity Charters provides a space for existing Diversity Charters (currently 26) to share experiences, develop common tools, and foster joint efforts toward achieving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) goals.