
Diversity means a common understanding starting from differences of all kind. We believe that everyone is unique and that being part of a different race, ethnic group, gender, age, sexual orientation or religion is a value and not a label.

The Bulgarian Diversity Charter represents the shared understanding of its signatories that diversity is a driver to creativity, innovation, growth and productivity, and an incentive for individuals to fully reveal their knowledge, competences, talents and skills.

If you want to join us, make sure to visit this page after the official launch of the Charter to find out about the Application procedure. Meanwhile, we invite you to browse through the other sections of the website and learn more about diversity, equality and non-discrimination.

To stay informed on what we do, visit us on Facebook or subscribe to our newsletter.

I want to know more!

The concept of diversity refers to the many different types of people who make up a company. Each individual is unique in their specific features but at the same time they also share certain things in common with other individuals. More generally, the concept of diversity refers to the tolerance, respect and consideration that a company demonstrates in relation to each person’s particular characteristics.

In the field of employment, a diversity policy is designed to better reflect the diversity of the national population in a company’s workforce and to make the best use of the specific characteristics and potential of each person.


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This website was funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).

The content of this website represents the views of the authors only and is their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.